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Cyber Security Analyst | 845-542-0011 | Brooklyn, NY | | Pronouns: (He/They)

Cyber Security Analyst with hundreds of classroom hours in cloud safety, automation, and digital forensics. Enthusiastic to continue deepening technical skills with an ability to learn new technologies swiftly. 


Project Management | Problem Solving | Detail Analysis 


Cyber Security Bootcamp | Fullstack Academy | New York | 2021-2022

Bachelors in Theatrical Engineering | State University of New York at New Paltz | New York | 2010-2014


CompTIA Security+ | May 2022

AWS Certified Cloud Practicioner | October 2021


Honeypot (Cowrie & Abdhoney)        

  • ​Spun up an aws instance to host a honeypot and then monitor and analyze the attacks and traffic generated over an 8 hour window of activity. 

OSI Model

  • Broke down the OSI model by comparing it to an easy understandable format of the USPS

CTF Events

  • Linux based navigation and manipulation to discover hidden flags, over 300 individual flags captured with use of tools such as metasploit, john the ripper and wireshark. 


Technical Director & Project Manager | The New School | New York | 08/16 - Present 

  • Oversaw smooth incorporation of all technical aspects of 8 productions per semester (16 shows per year), from concept and planning to execution (construction, efficient dismantling of each unit), budgeting to personnel management.

  • Known for being highly collaborative, ability to come up with creative solutions to problems on the fly and work within fast-paced environments.

  • Maintained a detailed overview of the entirety of projects as well as documentation and anticipated problems before they happened to prevent anything from falling through the cracks. 

Technical Director & Project Manager | Queens College | New York | 08/18 - 05/19 

● Taught trade skills to a variety of students, many unfamiliar with tools but was able to make learning fun and accessible regardless of experience or area of study. 


Operating Systems: Mac OS, iOS, Linux, Windows

Analysis Tools: VM Ware, Virtual Box, Wireshark, Splunk, Nmap, Snort,Nikto

Exploit Tools: Metaploit, John the Ripper, Hydra

Languages: Bash, JavaScript, Python

Documentation Tools: Microsoft Office Suite

Additional Skills: Teaching, Management, Plant and Dog care, OSI Model, ACLs, MFA, LDAP, Azure, VPN, Network Topology

CV: About

(845) 542-0011

©2022 by Eli Reid

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