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  • ecreid27


What is Metasploit?

Metasploit is a tool used in penetration testing for vulnerability research and exploitation. It is a commonly used and powerful tool in penetration testing.

You can use the Metasploit Framework through the console by use of the msfconsole command in your terminal.

The framework is made up of various Modules all with subcategories, for more information check out this link.

Let's Get Into It

Here we goooo

cute bun bun

We select our module

Let's unset all parameters just to make space for how we want to navigate the target and check that it worked

It sure did, Now we go in and set values -

With that set, we can check and make sure it is working

You know it does! Now we exploit!

Here we can see the open session with our vulnerable machine

we're in the system and able to list out directories, Victory!

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